Recent Poll Confirms What We Already Knew. Native Americans Don’t Care About the Redskins.

A recent Washington Post poll found that nine out of ten Native Americans are not offended by the Redskins name. 504 people of Native American heritage participated in the survey.You know what this means? The liberals and PC police are failing in their never ending quest to get Native Americans onboard regarding with their name change crusade. 

I can’t say I’m surprised. I’ve always felt that if you spoke with a group of Native Americans and asked them their thoughts on the Redskins, most would tell you they don’t care. 

Many of the Native American tribes in this country have bigger issues to deal with than to worry about the Redskins. The problem is, most liberal organizations would rather focus their efforts on political correctness instead of helping Native Americans who are living in impoverished tribes and have no jobs.  Some of these people need to stop wasting their time and resources on making sure teams don’t offend Native Americans and focus more on helping them. 

Of course that’ll never happen because liberals are more concerned about political correctness than actually helping people. There’s no incentive to help people when all you have to do is pretend like you are helping people. 

I love that the Washington Post conducted this poll. It reinforces the notion that Native Americans don’t care about sports teams who logos bare their resemblance and they certainly don’t care about joining any movements designed to put an end to it. 

Posted in NFL