One week from the draft, Patriots still ‘open for business’ with No. 3 pick

Take a shot on the potential QB of the future or immediately fix multiple roster holes with a trade down?

It’s the biggest question the Patriots have faced in 30 years and it’s a week away.

Eliot Wolf met with a the media in a packed room at Gillette Stadium on Thursday morning, exactly one week from ultimately having to make a future-altering choice at about 8:30 or so next Thursday night.

It was clear that the Pats have done plenty of work on all the big quarterback names, but that valuable No. 3 is still on the table for anyone who wants to come and take it.

“Ongoing. We’re open to anything. Moving up, moving down. We’re open for business in the first round and in every round,” Wolf said when asked about how discussions have been. “We have some holes we feel like we need to fill in the draft. We’re a draft and develop team. The more picks we have, the better. But, if there’s an opportunity to move up and strike if the board kind of recommends it, then we won’t be afraid to pull the trigger on that either.”

Wide receiver, tackle, quarterback.

Tackle, wide receiver, quarterback.

Quarterback, wide receiver, tackle.

Quarterback, tackle, wide receiver.

The options are seemingly endless if the Patriots do in fact decide to trade the third pick and accumulate multiple firsts. Don’t forget, they’ve also got that very valuable No. 34 pick (N0. 2 overall in the second round) that will be in play as well.

No matter what side you’re on – Team Trade Down or Team Take The QB – Wolf, Mayo and the rest of the organization are intently listening to every phone call as the future of the team hangs in the balance.