Fraud of the Day: John Henry


John “I look like Christopher Walkin” Henry is out of his freakin mind! If he thinks Pablo Sandoval has 17 percent body fat, he’s higher than a kite! Try 25-35% Johnny! Look, I am overweight myself. I know what overweight looks like. Sandoval is overweight. PERIOD!

Henry should have used his media sesh to call out Sandoval. Instead he enabled him by babbling about how he came into camp in shape. He’s the furthest thing from in shape. But that’s O.K, the owner will defend him because he just signs checks. He doesn’t get involved in the player aspect of the team. At least that’s what he says.

Henry was also asked about Don Orsillo and he immediately passed the buck to Tom Werner. Way to go Johnny! Good one. Don’t take ownership of anything. The only thing of value that Henry did say was that the organization is shifting its philosophy away from analytics and focusing more on player evaluation. Yeah, thanks Johnny! WE KNOW! That’s why you hired Dombrowski you fraud! Henry is useless!