Body Slam Blog: SHANE-O-MAC IS BACK!!!!

To quote the great Jim Ross, business is about to pick! For the first time in six years, Shane McMahon is back on RAW. Not only is he back with the company, but he is making a bid to take control of the show. There is one caveat however. He has to beat the Undertaker in a Hell in a Cell match at Wrestlemania in order to take over RAW.

I don’t know how I feel about that. You have to figure he is going to win or else why would he have come back? If Undertaker loses at Wrestlemania again, he has become Mick Foley. He is whoring himself out for the money. Then again, I could see Taker winning. Maybe this will be Vince’s way of saving Taker’s Wrestlemania reputation after he forced him to lose to Brock Lesnar two years ago.

RAW needs Shano-Mac. The show has become bland. It needs to go in a new direction. Vince had one more rabbit in his hat and pulled it out for this Wrestlemania. He saved what would have been a bad pay per view. Nothing says feud in the WWE like a McMahon feud.