Patriots Pulse Blog: 3 Reasons Why The Patriots Are Not Signing Johnny Manziel

Relax New England. The Patriots are not signing Johnny Manziel. I know they met with him on Tuesday after he threw at the Texas A&M Pro Day but they are not going to sign him. Bill Belichick has an affinity for athletic, running quarterbacks. After all, he has signed Doug Fluite and Tim Tebow in the past but here are three reasons why I don’t see the Patriots signing Manziel.

1. Manziel Is Not a Scheme Fit: Manziel is not exactly an “ideal fit” in the Patriots offense. Especially now that they want to push the ball vertically more. Sure, he can throw quick screens and the three step passing game effectively but he has struggled in his career with throwing the ball vertically. The other issue with Manziel is his pocket presence. He is not going to consistently hang in the pocket, hitch up and throw the ball intermediate or deep. He looks to take off as soon as things break down. Bill Belichick and Josh McDaniels don’t have the patience for that type of quarterback.

2. Manziel Hasn’t Played in Three Years: Manziel has been out of football for three years. While he looks like he is in good shape and he threw the ball well at his so called pro day, he hasn’t taken a snap from under center in a long time. It is safe to say that Manziel is rusty and the last thing the Patriots want is a quarterback who has been out of the league three years coming in to learn to their system.

3. Off the Field Issues Are Hard to Ignore: In this age of social media, professional athletes are under the microscope more than ever. Johnny Manziel’s off the field issues are hard to ignore. From his issues with drugs and alcohol to getting treatment for bipolar disorder. Manziel has a lot of baggage. Baggage that I don’t think the Patriots want to inherit. In fact, no team wants to inherit it. That is why I think it will be tough for Manziel to find a team in the NFL that will sign him.

With Bill Belichick, you never what he is thinking. The Patriots could very well sign Manziel. I still think it is highly unlikely however. Unless Josh McDaniels and the offensive coaches are willing to design specific packages for Manziel and take Tom Brady off the field, they are not going to sign him to simply be a back up.

I also don’t buy the quarterback of the future nonsense. Manziel is not good enough or young enough for that matter to be the heir apparent to Brady. Lets just put the Manziel to the Patriots talk to rest. Johnny Football will not become Johnny Patriot.