Reality Meets Fiction: Mumford and Sons to Perform Surgery on Tony Romo.

Mumford and Sons has offered to help the star quarterback with his collarbone issue. 

Tony Romo has had it with this broken collarbones. The 36 year Cowboys quarterback has broken his collarbone three times since 2010 including twice last season. Frustrated with his doctors inability to solve his collarbone problem, Romo is having a Mumford procedure. It involves shaving the collarbone or something. In order to have the procedure, Romo is turning to an unlikely source. The band Mumford and Sons.

Unbeknownst to music fans, the band Mumford and Sons are actually part time surgeons. The British folk band practices medicine and they pioneered this radical procedure while sitting around waiting for a record label to pick them up. Despite their success, the band still practices medicine. They have offices in Liverpool, Nottingham and Manchester. Romo will have to travel to England in order to have the procedure. 

Mumford and Sons have been practicing medicine for years. It’s just that you didn’t know. 

Romo is banking on the folk singers/unlicensed surgeons to save his career. He still has several years left on his contract and still views himself as the starting quarterback of the Cowboys for years to come. Romo has told his doctors I Will Wait before I have a procedure but they know he’s been delaying having a procedure to correct the issue and they view him as a Hopeless Wanderer because he’s delaying the procedure. Romo knows at his advanced age, he can no longer be the Little Lion Man and try to play through injuries like this. He needs to fix his collarbone.

I think Romo is in good hands. Mumford and Sons will take care of him. They will provide him with unparalleled care. Their radical folk song anesthesia is world renowned.  They put you to sleep by playing all of their albums on a loop. Romo will be out like a light in seconds and won’t feel a thing. He’ll be as good as new when he wakes up.

Athletes have gone to other countries for treatment for years. It’s risky but it’s worked out for many of them. Romo is taking a chance but he doesn’t have a choice. He has to believe that Mumford and Sons will solve his collarbone issue. At least they Believe they can solve his collarbone issue. We’ll find later on this year if they actually helped him.