Patriots Pulse Blog: I Love How the Local Patriots Propaganda Machine is Spinning Yesterday’s Free Agent Visits. It’s Comical.


If he signs with the Patriots, Chris Hogan will go from 77 catches the last two seasons, to 77 catches next season. How do I know you might ask? He’s a Patriot now. He will be instantly better. Give me a break!

I love the Patriots propaganda machine around here. The Patriots media will try to spin any visit to town as a positive visit. For example, when James Starks and Benny Cunningham visited town yesterday, some media members hailed them as starting caliber running backs. Really? Starks couldn’t beat out Fat Eddie Lacy, now he’s a starting running back? Sure, he’s been a big part of the Packers offense the last five seasons but he’s not a starting caliber running back. Cunningham has been a back up with the Rams the last two seasons. Enough said.

Sources did reveal last night that the Patriots were going to sign Bills restricted free agent wide receiver Chris Hogan to an offer sheet. OHHHHHH!!!! If that doesn’t stir the old loins, I don’t know what will. Give me a break! Hogan is a fourth receiver at best. Somehow the local media has the Patriots releasing Danny Amendola in order to make room for Hogan. Even though Amendola is the better receiver and would does more for the team overall by returning kicks. I know he’s due to make $5 million next season but I would rather Amendola as the Patriots second or third receiver than Hogan on the cheap.

Stuff like this drives me nuts because it reinforces the notion that people around here still don’t get it when it comes to football. Even with all of the success the Patriots have had the last fifteen years, some football fans and media members around here are still illiterate when it comes to the game. The Patriots are in a tough spot financially because of all of the free agents they need to re-sign before next off-season. They were always going to shop in the bargain bin. Its not a surprise. Lets not pretend that if they signed Starks, Cunningham or Hogan that they would instantly become studs because they came to New England. They are what they are. Middle of the road free agents. Lets not make them more that.