Opinion: Let’s Be Honest. Nick Saban Fired Lane Kiffin

By John Sarianides

Nick Saban announced yesterday that offensive coordinator Lane Kiffin would not be coordinating the Alabama offense in Monday night’s national championship game against Clemson.
Saban said that Kiffin and the school mutually parted ways so that Kiffin can focus on his new position as head football coach at Florida Atlantic. Saban said offensive analyst Steve Sarkisian would take over the play calling duties moving forward.
Look, I am not the biggest Nick Saban fan but I have a ton of respect for the man and what he has accomplished in his coaching career. That being said, I think he’s full of crap!
Saban fired Kiffin. It’s as simple as that. Kiffin couldn’t meet his responsibilities as both Alabama’s offensive coordinator and the head football coach at Florida Atlantic. He was robbing Peter to pay Paul so Saban sent him packing.
Saban is a win at all costs guy. If he felt that Kiffin’s presence was negatively affecting the program and that he was a distraction, then it was time to make a change. Saban is cold blooded. He doesn’t care about relationships, he cares about championships.
 I agree with the move for what it’s worth. Kiffin is known for being flighty and irresponsible. He’s professionally immature. There’s a reason he’s bounced around so much in his coaching career. Kiffin couldn’t do both job so he was given his walking papers. 
Now Kiffin can focus on rebuilding the Florida Atlantic football program and Saban can focus on winning his 6th national title as a head coach. In the end, it was the best thing for both sides.