Doc’s Daily Rants for March 22nd 2016

Belichick wasn’t feeling the microphones and recorders in his face yesterday down in Boca.

1. I would like to extend a big thanks to the NBA schedule makers for putting the Sixers and Magic on the schedule this late in the season. After the shitting the bed the past week, the Celtics needed two winnable games like this.

2. I don’t blame Bill Belichick for not wanting any microphones in his face at the AFC coaches breakfast yesterday morning. Shit, that would piss me off too. Lets be honest, the media can be a bunch of space invaders. I don’t blame the guy for pushing their mics away.

3. The Bruins need a win tomorrow night in New York otherwise they are in deep doo-doo.

4. Travis Shaw should start at third base over Pablo Fatoval. He’s earned the position by playing well this spring. I don’t care that the Red Sox are paying that fat abomination $95 million dollars! Tough shit! The better player plays! PERIOD!

5. As much as it pains me to admit this, the first two rounds of the NCAA basketball tournament were fantastic. Of course, I didn’t watch of it but it was fantastic.

6. Why is Obama involved in the process to get Cuban baseball players here again? Shouldn’t he be focusing on the political side of things with Cuba? Brussels was attacked by ISIS this morning. Isn’t that more important than Cuban baseball players coming to America? Just wondering out loud, that’s all.