Doc’s Daily Rants for March 11th 2016

David Price
(courtesy of the Boston Herald) Price sucked in his spring debut yesterday.

1. David Price got lit up like a Christmas tree by the Twins yesterday in his spring debut. He gave up two home runs in three innings. I know he was throwing mostly fastballs but it was not an encouraging first start.

2. The Bruins let it run down their leg last night! It was a tight game and they choked! You are not a legit playoff contender if you can’t beat teams like Carolina! SORRY! The Bruins are frauds!

3. People have been asking me why I haven’t been stroking the Celtics lately. Because as much fun as they are to watch at home, they are painful to watch on the road. I can’t take them serious. They’ll win a round in the playoffs but that’s it. I’m more interested in this coming off-season and what they do in the draft and free agency.

4. Oh, speaking of the Celtics and free agency. Al Horford is not coming to Boston this summer. Its a pipe dream. People around here need to stop saying stupid shit!

5. The Patriots offered Chris Hogan a 3 year, $12 million dollar deal? Are you shitting me? Why? Obviously Buffalo won’t match it so he’s coming to New England. Way too much money for a third receiver at best. Amendola might get cut now.

6. The Patriots are hosting me this afternoon. I’m a fat, never was in high school but they are looking to acquire offensive line depth so they are bringing in a grossly overweight, 41 year old man because I would be a really cheap alternative.

7. It looks like P.K Subban will be O.K after being carted off on a stretcher last night during the Habs 3-2 win over Buffalo. This has already been the season from hell for Habs fans. If Subban can’t play the rest of the way, it’ll get worse. These last 14 games can’t go by fast enough!

8. The Falcons gave Mohamed Sanu $32.5 million dollars. That’s absurd!!