Business Is About to Pick Up Between Goodell and the PED Three

It appears all of the players linked in the Al Jazeera America story that aired earlier this year are going to interview with NFL investigators.

James Harrison, Clay Matthews and Julius Peppers are going to meet with league officials in the next week to clear their names. The only one who hasn’t confirmed he’s meeting with league officials is free agent outside linebacker Mike Neal.

Let the witch hunt begin. The fact of the matter is, all three players are already presumed to be guilty in Roger Goodell’s court of law. The interviews with them are only a formality. Goodell wants to prove the process is fair but in actuality, all he wants to do is hand down a punishment.

Harrison, Matthews and Peppers better lawyer up because they are going to need one. Not only do they need to lawyer up but they need a good lawyer. Like Tom Brady, they facing an uphill climb. 

It’s only the beginning with this story. Peyton Manning may have been cleared but I would be shocked if Harrison, Matthews and Peppers get off. That’s not to say I think they are guilty. They embarrassed the shield by being linked to PED’s and once that happens, you cannot escape the wrath of Goodell. He will punish you and it will be swift.