Nickel Defense: 5 Things That Are Pissing Me Off In the Football World

The Patriots don’t need six people working their pre-season coverage. It’s absurd! 

By John Sarianides

Here are five things that are really pissing me off right now in the world of football.

1. The Patriots Pre-Season Broadcast Annoys Me: Do the Patriots really need to have six people involved in their pre-season broadcast? Isn’t Dan Roche and Christian Fauria enough? 

Why is Matt Chatham a part of the broadcast? Seriously. He does nothing for me. Better yet. Why are Paul Perillo and Andy Hart on the broadcast? I get Bob’s Furniture pays for the spot but their appearance during the game is pointless. It’s as if Bob Kraft is paying them so he has to justify employing them by puttting them on television. Makes no sense. 

I am fine with Steve Burton.

2. Sticking With the Pre-Season Theme: Staying with the theme of pre-season games. Some of these broadcast duos are beyond awful! Listening to Spero Dedes and Dan Fouts babble about how improved the Chargers were last night was painfully. NEWS FLASH! They are not contending for anything! They’ll be lucky to go 9-7. Stop pissing in my ear and telling me it’s raining! 

3. The Owners Are Extending Goodell. Why? The NFL owners are about to extend Roger Goodell which makes my skin crawl. I get he makes them money but he has also ruined the league’s reputation with questionable discipline decisions. The fact that they want to extend Goodell until 2024 is laughable. 

4. Reporters and Dumb Questions: Why do reporters ask stupid freakin questions at press conferences? Seriously. Why would you ask South Carolina coach Will Muschamp and Nick Saban about the Solar Eclispse? It makes zero sense to me. It almost seems like they want to get dumped on. No wonder coaches lose their shit on some of these idiots!

5. Beat Writers and X and O’s: I love when beat writers dabble in X’s and O’s. It’s rather comical. I know I sound like a dick, but at least I have coached the sport for 23 years at the college and high school levels. What coaching experience does Joe Press Pass have? Give me a break! Just cover the team and leave the X’s and O’s to the people that actually know the game.