Patriots Pulse Blog: The Patriots Have Their Own Planes. That’s Right. Their Own Planes

By John Sarianides

The Patriots have become the first team in NFL history to purchase their own planes. According to ESPN. Bob Kraft has acquired two planes. One will be the “main” plane that will carry the team and personnel. The other plane will be used for other personnel and family. 

The planes cost between $5-$65 million, used. A new plane could cost $200 million. The main plane is designed to fly up to 12 hours without stopping.

This is unbelievable to me. We are talking about an organization that couldn’t give away tickets for home games in the late 80’s. Their home games were blacked out  for crips sake! It’s remarkable to see where they are now.

Life is good when you are the best team in your league. This is proof of it. The Patriots are a first class organization.

Bob Kraft has morphed into Eddie DeBartolo. The Patriots are officially the 49ers of this generation.