Segel: O’Brien proof that dreams do come true; can he lead BC back to prominence?

February 16, 2024

(Image courtesy of Victor Stefanescu / The Heights) By Alan Segel NEFJ Correspondent Chestnut Hill —Let’s be honest. When it comes to collegiate sports in New England in general and Boston in particular, the colleges take the lower tier in the sports pecking order. Yes, there is the phenomenon that is UConn basketball (men and women) and to some extent Providence College. However, these programs, while successful, have a local…


Bill O’Brien ushers in new era for Boston College

February 10, 2024

This feels different. For the Boston College program, hiring a new coach never has a glow that is this celebratory. When the Eagles hired Bill O’Brien this week, he was their first choice, the type of candidate this school doesn’t normally get. Let’s first go over why O’Brien was the prized candidate. O’Brien has head coaching experience in the NFL, where he took the Houston Texans to the playoffs. He……


After lengthy process, BC finally hires O’Brien as next head coach

February 9, 2024

(AP Photo/Matt Freed, File) Well, that was something. Since receiving a tip last Friday morning about O’Brien potentially being en route to Boston for an interview, it’s been a wild week of rumors, stories, sources and texts. One thing remained clear the entire time. Bill O’Brien was the choice from the jump for Boston College. Now, he’s the new head coach, a job that was pretty much his to lose…