NFL: 3 Potential Resolutions to the Ezekiel Elliott Saga

By Nicholas Billy

The Ezekiel Elliott saga continues to drag on without a resolution in sight. Elliott’s suspension was upheld last week but then he was granted a temporary restraining order that will allow him to play in the next two games. That is great news for the Cowboys and their fans but for other football fans, they have had enough of this cat and mouse game that has dragged on in courtrooms in three different states.

With no end in sight, we have decided to intervene and make some suggestions to Elliott and NFL commissioner Roger Goodell. Here are three potential solutions between the two sides.

1. A Settlement: The NFL made a ruling on Elliott’s situation before looking at all of the evidence. Roger Goodell was trying to send a message but he jumped the gun in the process. Don’t get me wrong, the league should punish Elliott if the evidence against him proves him he committed a crime. That doesn’t appear to be the case so the league should consider a settlement. 

2. Elliott Just Serves the Suspension: Elliott has gotten off to a slow start and one has to wonder if the suspension is impacting his play. Maybe it would be beneficial for Elliott to serve the suspension, put it behind him and move on. It’s highly unlikely Elliott does that but he should consider it. 

3. The NFL Reduces the Suspension: The only way the NFL would reduce Elliott’s suspension would be part of a settlement. The league will not reduce it on its according without meeting with Elliott first. 

Final Thought: Suspensions can greatly impact the success of a team’s season, some player’s suspensions having a greater impact than others. Players need to understand this and they need to be the ones holding themselves to a higher standard to ensure they can suit up for every game. Their decisions on and off the field impact the team and the sport- and can be the difference between a 9-7 playoff team and an 8-8 non-playoff team.

 Goodell and the NFL need to come together and improve the processes and simplify the system. By investing in, and providing a transparent, well defined process and system with no disparities, Goodell will be able to alleviate much of the current hostility between the NFL and the players. A few clear, simple changes can lead to a more efficient process, more consistent and more unbiased decisions and outcomes. 


Posted in NFL