New Format, Same Pro Bowl

By John Sarianides

I watched the Pro Bowl skills competition last night and while it was fun, I am still not interested in watching the Pro Bowl itself.

I despise all-star games. They have lost their luster to me. When you are a kid, you think all-star games are the greatest thing you’ll ever watch. When you get older, you realize that it is just a bunch of rich athletes giving a half ass effort. They frustrate you.

While I commend the NFL for trying to save the Pro Bowl, it is pointless. People don’t care about the game anymore. Bringing back the skills competition isn’t going to change that. In fact, it is a bad idea because the skills competition will probably be more entertaining than the actual game.

Unfortunately, I don’t see the Pro Bowl going anywhere as long as Roger Goodell is commissioner. It is his baby and being the traditionalist that he is, he wants to save the game.

I understand the nostalgia with the game but it is not as tied to football lore and tradition like the all-star game is in baseball. If the NFL does away with it, I really don’t think people would care. In fact, they would barely notice the game is gone. 

Don’t hold your breath haters. It is not going anywhere unfortunately. The NFL wants a place on your sports calendar every week of the year if possible. The Pro Bowl will always be the Super Bowl filler game.