Hart, Giardi & Perillo forging their own football paths

October 20, 2023

If you’ve lived in New England as a Patriots fan over the last 20+ years, you’ve seen, heard or read coverage from Andy Hart, Mike Giardi and Paul Perillo. Their names – among others – are synonymous with excellent coverage of the dynasty that began in 2001. Now, their sons’ names are also being heard and recognized around Massachusetts under Friday Night lights as each of their boys are significantly……


Mac Jones is still trusting his process despite lack of results

October 18, 2023

At some point, Mac Jones isn’t going to be the quarterback of the New England Patriots. The only question is, does that time come this season, or after 2023? Time is ticking to decide whether the team wants to pick up his fifth-year option and given the fact that the Pats are 1-5, the future doesn’t look to bright for No. 10. Still, despite all the negativity and mounting losses,…


O’Brien still searching for answers with Pats’ offense

October 18, 2023

As Bill O’Brien stood in one of the large rooms inside the Patriots’ media work area on Tuesday morning, he was asked to give a ‘state of the offense’ from his perspective. After all, upon coming back, O’Brien was supposed to be the one that saved everything after last year’s debacle with Matt Patricia and Joe Judge. Well, six weeks in, the offense is somehow worse than it was a…